Our IT security services
We help our clients quickly and significantly raise the level of cybersecurity through innovative technologies and compliance with new regulations.
We offer a personalized service that reflects the needs of small, medium, and large enterprises.
Cyber protection of industrial installations
Protects industrial facilities from cyberattacks. The IoT world is characterized by a low interest in cybersecurity and a growing appetite for hackers.
Protects PLC devices, SCADA protocols, and communication networks, often designed for continuity and availability rather than security, from cyberattacks
Provides monitoring and management services for both devices and applications to quickly detect anomalies and ensure timely updates and proper device configuration
Provides malware and Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) protection services
Provides Vulnerability Management services and Virtual Patching systems to be safely inserted into industrial networks

Managed detection and response
Detects and responds to the most advanced cyber incidents by reducing infection times and minimizing the risk of propagation.
Builds on existing technologies and allows an additional layer of security to be applied, so that all alarm and incident reports can be combined on a single platform.
Enables rapid response to evolving cyber threats
Enables incidents to be investigated and understood, suggesting the proper response.
Allows you to quickly remediate the propagation of a problem by automatically containing the hosts in your environment
Enables Threat Hunting by proactively scanning for threats both on-premises and in the cloud

eMail Security
Protects against all types of email threats.
Prevents theft of sensitive data by protecting the primary attack vector used by criminals: email
Provides comprehensive protection against all next-generation threats: Business Email Compromise (BEC), ransomware, phishing, Trojans, viruses, spam, and malware
Protects corporate reputation against botnet spam by scanning inbound and outbound email
Performs real-time, non-stop scanning with constant analysis by our Security Analyst, a machine learning engine, and 14 levels of advanced scanning and proprietary sandboxing

Security Awareness
Educates employees about cybersecurity. Most incidents are due to human error. Investing in employee training and awareness is the best way to protect your company's data, information, and assets.
Allows for a significant and progressive increase in awareness of potential risks that may be encountered daily
Involves the entire organization through an innovative, challenging, and simple educational e-learning system designed for non-specialized staff
"constant and progressive release" approach: it engages the participant for only a few minutes per week, with a course that maintains a high level of attention to each interaction with digital technologies
Self-paced monthly modules, with each module addressing a specific topic
Lessons in multimedia format, in simple, non-specialized language, with tests to assess learning level
Increases individual responsiveness by integrating a "gym" into training programs
Stimulates employees to change their behavior and detect phishing emails through simulated attacks customized to the user's characteristics

Vulnerability Assessment e Management
Reduces attack zones by constantly or periodically scanning for infrastructure security vulnerabilities.
Ensures that the information visible on the network is reduced to the bare minimum
Ensures that it is impossible to access the network from the outside by exploiting infrastructure vulnerabilities
Reduces the vulnerability of the system by verifying the level of security with a Vulnerability Assessment and an Application Penetration Test, which can be periodic or continuous
Constant monitoring allows the collection and analysis of information to improve the Managed Detection and Response service further.